GAPS Diet Australia

Apple Puree

Apple Pure is introduced in the Introduction Diet on stage 5.  Apple Pure for GAPS is an easy way to disguise fats.  GAPS is a high fat diet so we want to add fats to everything and apple puree is a good way to deliver it. We usually add duck fat, ghee or coconut oil.  It is also a well tollerated food for introducing solids for GAPS Babies.  This will keep in the fridge for several weeks but can also be stored in the freezer.

I love to eat it warm, spiced with cinnamon and GAPS natural yoghurt.

Apple Puree

This recipe is appropriate for the GAPS Introduction Diet from stage 5 onward
Servings 4 People
Prep Time 5-10 Minutes
Cook Time 15-20 Minutes




  1. Peel and core the ripe apples and slice thinly into your stainless steel cook pot. An apple slinky is great at doing this job.
  2. Add the water and cook the apples on low whilst stirring occasionally. You may place the lid on top to create steam in the cooking process.
  3. When the apples have become soft, take the pan off the stove and mash with a vegetable masher.
  4. Add a couple of tablespoons of ghee or duck fat or coconut fat (depending on what you have introduced) and blend with the apple.
  5. Store the stewed apples in the fridge.

Recipe Notes

Clinical Notes

Start to introduce with a few spoonful’s  a day and gradually increase the amount if there are no reactions.