Fermented vegies

Beet Kvass: Three Options (Stage one or two appropriate & onwards)

Option One:  Dairy free

1 kg beetroot

1 ½  tbls salt added to water

1 tsp caraway seeds

3 Garlic Cloves

Place seeds and garlic in glass canning jar and place beetroot Slices (1/2 cm thick) on top until the jar is ¾ full.  Add salt to water in a separate jug and stir well, making sure all the salt is dissolved.  Pour salted water over beetroot and make sure to keep the brine level covering the beets.  Put a clean plate or jar on it to keep them down.

Ferment for 2-5 days (depending on temperature) in a warm place on the bench – turning the jar around a few times a day.  Fermentation is faster in warmer weather.  When fermentation is complete you may store the Beet Kvass in the fridge.

When most of the Kvass has been drunk and a quarter remains, you may top it up again with salt water brine and return it to the bench for another couple of days.  When the water becomes pale, the beetroot is spent and it is time to make a new one.

Serving Suggestions:

1 – 2 tablespoons diluted in a glass of filtered water.  Adding beet kvass to your homemade soups will provide valuable enzymes and lactic acid to aid with digestion.  Remember to introduce in small amounts to reduce the die off reaction.

Beet Kvass is a wonderful digestive aid.  It assists in correcting constipation whilst promoting regularity and alkalises the body with a variety of nutrients and cleansing qualities.  Beet Kvass has great liver supporting properties that assist in reducing morning sickness in pregnant women.

Beet Kvass:  Option Two

Same as above but add ½ a cup of homemade whey dripped from your dairy kefir or yoghurt

Beet Kvass: Option Three -Dairy free

Same as above but add ½ a cup of homemade whey from your coconut or water kefir or

use sauerkraut juice as your starter.