GAPS Diet Australia

Organic Chicken liver pate

Organ meats are recognised as a ‘top GAPS nutrient dense food‘ and to ensure you are nourishing your body adequately this recipe will allow you to get your daily portions to optimise healing.  Many people having tasted liver on it’s own before (like myself) may feel that it is not on their fabourite go to food item for a snack but this chicken liver pate recipe and liver preparation technique that will not only change your opinion with the way it changes the flavours combined with a tasty mix of vegetables and herbs but we will also provide you with some hints on how to include it into your children’s diet without a fuss.  Don’t deprive yourself or your children of this nutrient dense food by dismissing it too quickly.  Here we offer you several ways to incorporate it into you diet easily.

Pate has a creamy delicious texture full of much needed nutrients for people following the GAPS Program. Contrary to popular belief, the liver isn’t a storage organ for toxins; rather, it’s a detoxifying organ that flushes out toxins. What is stored in the liver is a bounty of vital minerals, nutrients, amino acids and omega 3’s. Let’s break it down below:

Vitamin A: Above all, liver is the most concentrated source of vitamin A. Just 3-4 ounces will give you 200% of your daily vitamin A recommendation. Although you can get plenty of vitamin A from vegetables, your body needs fat to absorb it, which pâté also provides. Vitamin A aids in eyesight, maintains healthy blood pressure, and is important for the regrowth of skin cells.

Vitamin B12: Found only in animal products, B-12 is abundant in liver pâté. B-12 is involved with the synthesis of DNA and red blood cells and is vital for people who are anemic.

Choline: A B-vitamin mainly found in egg yolks and liver, choline is lacking in many people’s diets. Most of us have a deficiency and don’t even know it! Choline is important for metabolism function, lipid transportation, and cell membrane signaling. It also aids in detoxifying your body!

Folate (vitamin B9): Folate is essential for women as it aids in proper reproductive function and healthy fetal growth during pregnancy. Folate also prevents some digestive disorders.

Pâté is also packed with minerals: calcium, which is important for bone health; iron, which aids in muscle strength and transporting oxygen; copper, which is important for blood health; magnesium, which regulates blood pressure and blood sugar; and zinc, which is important for a healthy immune system.

Of course, liver from grass-fed organic cows will yield a higher percentage of vitamins and minerals than from commercially raised animals.
Traditionally fried liver with onions was a staple food in the early 50’s and tribal societies who hunted game always removed the heart and liver providing the first bite to the elders.


Liver and liver pate is the recommended iron source for people following the GAPS Program who have anemia. Proper daily portion sizes are known to stop this deficiency dead in it’s tracks. The above mentioned nutrients all work together and more effectively than most other foods to improve intestinal health and nutritional deficiencies.


Dr. Natasha recommends liver, daily, in proportions the size of your hand to combat nutrition deficiencies and anemia. Children can have one to two tablespoons.

Hints for Children

When you have made your chicken liver pate, simply pour the ingredients into ice cube trays. This way you can pop out an ice cube and add to each bowl of soup or casserole as you warm them up on the stove.  This is not only a sneaky way to get liver into childrens diet but a nice way to ensrue adults are gettig their daily dose as well.


Make sure you buy organic liver and freeze it for two weeks before you use it. This kills any parasites if eaten raw. Preparing the liver the day before you make your pate by soaking it in kefir will help to remove any impurities, tenderise the liver and improve the flavor of the liver.


Soaking Solution
  • 2 Cups Kefir if you have a food allergy to dairy kefir, lemon juice or apple cider vinegar work great too.
Chicken Liver Pate


Preparation and Soaking
  1. After you have frozen the liver for two weeks prepare your liver by soaking it. Simply add the liver to a glass bowl and pour the kefir over the top making sure it is all covered and place it in the fridge for 4 hours or overnight. This will help to remove any impurities, tenderise the liver and improve the flavor of the liver.
  2. When soaking is complete, wash the liver to remove the kefir with filtered water.
Liver Pate
  1. Heat oil/fat in pan and add onion, celery and garlic and sauté for 1 minute
  2. Add liver and sauté till opaque
  3. Add herbs if selected and let cool
  4. Transfer to the blender and remaining oil/fat and blend till smooth
  5. Transfer to glass container and refrigerate
  6. Add melted ghee or lard over the top to create a skin to preserve the colour. Sprinkle a little herbs over the top for garnish if you wish.
  7. Alternatively transfer mixture to ice cube trays and freeze

Recipe Notes

Clinical Notes

Another way to supplement with liver if you do not like the flavour of pate is to freeze it raw and cut them into small capsule sizes and swallow them whole like a capsule.  This way you will not taste the liver as it is swallowed whole.  If you do this option, be sure to freeze the liver for two weeks first.