GAPS Diet Australia

Scrambled Eggs

The GAPS Introduction Diet introduces scrambled eggs or fried eggs in stage three.  This is a simple and very quick recipe requiring very little preparation.  The ingredients contain only egg with a little ghee for cooking, however for more fluffier eggs, you can add a couple of tablespoons of sour cream or kefir.

Scrambled Eggs

This recipe is appropriate for the GAPS Introductions Diet from stage 3 onward
Servings 1-2 people
Prep Time 2 minutes
Cook Time 3 minutes



  1. Crack the eggs into a glass bowl
  2. Use a fork to beat eggs together.
  3. Melt ghee or duck fat in a fripan over low heat. Don't allow the ghee to burn.
  4. Add egg mixture and gently pull eggs to the center of the pan and let the liquid parts run out under the perimeter.
  5. Cook, continually moving eggs with the metal spatula, just until eggs are set. This will take approximately 1 to 3 minutes.
  6. Season with salt and pepper; serve hot with a little parsley.

Recipe Notes

Clinical Notes

When on the Full GAPS Diet, if digestion has improved you may introduce onion and celery to the mixture as well.