GAPS Diet Australia

Grilled Meats: Lamb Cutlets

The GAPS Introduction Diet introduces roast meats and grilling in stage 4.  The first three stages of the GAPS Diet requires easy to digest foods and that is why the meats are soft and slow cooked in casseroles and soups.  When the digestion system shows signs of improvement, people following the GAPS Introduction Diet can move on to harder to digest foods such as roast and grilling.  If any sign of regression or discomfort is experienced, it is a sign to go back to the slower cooked meats for a little more time.  This will be an individual process and is the very reason why people move through the Introduction Stages at different rates.  This recipe is a delicious and easy meal to prepare and can be served with seasoned vegetables or salad with home made tzatziki or lemon wedges.

Alternative options

Select your choice of meat to grill. Suggestions: fish, lamb or goat cutlets or pure beef sausages. Adjust the quantities of meat required to match the appetite of those you are feeding.

Grilled Meats: Lamb Cutlets

This recipe is appropriate for the Introduction Diet from stage 4 onward
Servings 4 People
Prep Time 10 Minutes
Cook Time 10 Minutes


Meat Stock and Fats


  1. Grill your lamb cutlets on a pre-heated BBQ grill, fry pan or under the grill in the oven on medium to high.
  2. If cooking on a BBQ grill, cook the lamb for 3-4 minutes each side or until cooked to your liking. Cooking under the oven grill or fry pan may require different time frames so you will need to estimate a time for this based on how they cook on the inside. Try not to over cook them and test by cutting a small piece with a knife. A slight pink colour inside is perfect.
  3. Boil and cook remaining chosen vegetables in a pot with stock until well cooked.
  4. Drizzle olive oil (1-2 tablespoons) over your ready served vegetables.
  5. Serve with a cup of homemade meat stock and some lemon wedges on the side.

Recipe Notes

Clinical Notes

When digestion has improved over time, you can add chili or other garnished herbs to the cutlets for added flavour.