GAPS Diet Australia

Almond Pumkin Bread

This recipe is acceptable for the GAPS Introduction Diet from stage Four onward.

It is easy to make and well liked byGAPS children.  This recipe can be made using different nut or seed flours and you may wish to add different cooked vegetables to it.


Nice with some avocado or nut butter. You can make thin slices and crisp them in a dehydrator which is great for homemade dips and soup dunkers. The bread is also great for dippity eggs.

Almond Pumkin Bread

This recipe is appropriate for the Introduction Diet from stage 4 onward
Servings 1 loaf
Prep Time 5-15 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour


Bread Mixture
Special equipment


  1. Preheat conventional oven at 150 degrees (almond flour burns easily so this recipe needs to be cooked slowly).
  2. Cook the pumpkin by boiling it or use previously roasted punpkin from a left over meal. I like to make extra pumkin with my meals for this purpose in mind.
  3. Mix all ingredients in a glass bowl with hand held mixer on low. (do not over mix – just enough to ensure all ingredients is mixed and combined well)
  4. Line your bread tin with oven paper and pour ingredients in. Place in oven and cook for one hour (ensureing not to burn the top).
  5. When removing the bread from the oven, be sure to take it out of the tin immediately to allow it to cool by lifting the loaf out with the paper sides. This will avoid a darker crust because burnt nut flour is bitter. Let it sit and cook on the cooling rack with the paper still surrounding it. When it has cooled you may wrap the loaf in the baking paper and and place in a pyrex dish with a sealed lid to store in the fridge.

Recipe Notes


Nice with some avocado or nut butter.  You can make thin slices and crisp them in a dehydrator which is great for homemade dips and  soup dunkers.  The bread is also great for dippity eggs.