GAPS Diet Australia

Contact Page Middle Section

Welcome to GAPS Diet Australia

Your message and questions are important to us and we will endeavor to respond to your enquiry as soon as possible.

If you are making enquiries or wishing to book a GAPS Consultation with Linda, please contact our ADMIN Support Staff by submitting a message in the contact form below.

If you have a question regarding a product or enquiry relating to an order, please contact our SALES Team Here

If you would like to ask a general question regarding GAPS, Linda is available to respond to your enquiry (along with other GAPS practitioners) at the online Australasian GAPS SUPPORT GROUP FORUM

Distribution & Wholesale for GAPS Merchandise

If you are a practitioner or owner of a health related business, you have come to the right place to apply for a GAPS Diet Australia trade account.  We are the Australian Distributors of all GAPS products and we will be happy to hear from you.  Please submit your GAPS trade application HERE